Husband divorced me just weeks after birth


I’m wondering if anyone else has been in this situation. My husband and partner of 8 years was acting completely normal and loving up until we came home from the hospital. There was no fighting, just what I thought was normal switching of shifts to take care of the newborn baby and not a lot of time spent together and lack of sleep, etc. Our son was 6 days old the first time my husband left for the entire weekend to take care of something “for work”, then by week 3 he said he was depressed “as fuck” and needed some time away but that all was fine, by week 5 he told me he wanted a divorce and wasn’t happy and hasn’t been happy for years This was a planned pregnancy and we just started building a house 6 months prior! He claims it has nothing to do with the stress of having a baby or male postpartum depression and has been planning this for awhile but just didn’t want the stress to affect our child during pregnancy. Then why build a house?! He’s essentially blaming it on me and saying I drove him away by being angry that he left us. He refused to work on anything but claims he’s going to be a great father to our newborn son and says it will just be more important he spends more time with him once he’s older to do fun father son stuff. While he wasn’t actively working on our marriage or letting us live with him, one day he would want to do stuff planning for our new home and say maybe we will still all move into our house once it’s done being built and be a family and maybe deep down he doesn’t want to leave and then again the next he would say “it’s too late for him” and he for sure wants a divorce. He was away working for the majority of the pregnancy so I don’t think he bonded with the pregnancy the way he should have in the way it felt real to him. I think it got real when our son was born and he freaked out. He’s 36 but let’s face it most men aren’t mature for their age. He likes to party on weekends and I think he saw his freedom go out the window. I now do EVERYTHING while he rests peacefully at night in his one bedroom apartment on an air mattress. He just denies and denies it has anything to do with having a child and says he doesn’t love me anymore. Well he sure picked a convenient time after 8 years to leave. I constantly blame myself for the life my son will now have to live never knowing his parents together. I am literally blindsided and never expected this from him based on the loving person he used to be just prior to giving birth. It makes no sense! Who can do this to the mother of their child after 8 years together? All I can think is wow, I must be that awful that he’s willing to sacrifice barely seeing his son just to be free of me. It hurts so bad.