17 and pregnant

Im 17 and i am 3 MONTHS pregnant and i am terrified. I am terrified that the father of my child will take me to court and fight me for my baby. My boyfriend is 18 and he and his brother own a company that their father left them they are more than stable they have it all, my mother and i (who is really my source of income) is stable were fine we have a roof over our head food on the table every day everything we need but i am so scared that because they have more they’re going to win.

- i say this because we had gotten into a big argument & he had said that whenever i had the baby he would take it to make sure i would never be happy he had more than me and that without a doubt the court would let him have it i dont know what to do i am so scared i have been crying everyday for the past month because i dont want him to take my baby.