He won’t get off his ass 😤


So I broke up with my baby daddy because he is lazy and won’t do anything to better himself or to help me and our unborn child. All we do now is argue, I can’t go around him because all he wants to do is take my car and leave all day drive around get high and expect me to feed and to put gas in back in the car to which he rode out. And I’m trying to do everything by myself and when I tell him he just gets mad I don’t understand why it’s not like he is helping me. And he constantly tells me “ I better not do this or do that to hurt the baby” or I better not hurt him when I’m the only person doing something for our child. The other day he told me he was going to take my child away because of his family problems and I told him no you’re not because you can’t even take care of yourself now or help me out now so how can you move to another state and try to raise a baby. He had the nerve like we literally have three months left and he has NOTHING,bought nothing for our child, or even saved up anything. And it pisses me off