12 Days Postpartum


I had my second daughter on 1/26, water broke and labor was really quick. My oldest is 3 1/2. I decided to breastfeed again. Things were going well and I had some help from MIL for about 3 days. Then she left and hubby started taking the night shift since little one doesn't sleep the greatest.

Now I feel like I'm stuck in groundhogs day. It's the same day over and over again. If probably be fine with it, but I discovered a clogged milk duct on Monday and have tried unsuccessfully to get it resolved since then. It's softer, but still there, baby's latch has gotten worse and I'm living in constant fear I'll get mastitis.

Every day around the time my oldest gets home from daycare I get all mopey and cry for various reasons. I feel helpless and anxious that my newborn will get sick. We haven't been out of the house except for her 5 day checkup since she was born. It's cold and miserable here and with cold and flu season in full swing I don't want to get out.

I don't know if I can keep doing this, I had my oldest in summer so at least it was sunny, although I don't remember feeling this way. I'm not doing my oldest any favors either as I feel like I'm neglecting her because baby takes so much of my time.

Can anyone relate? Give advice?