Here were my symptoms before I got a positive test!


6dpo: I was sitting in my car and felt cramping/pinching on my lower left side. It came in waves. It happened 3 times then stopped, and I am guessing that was implantation.

7dpo: I don't know if this was pregnancy related or just life but I felt noticeably dizzy at work.

8dpo: tested for the first time with a box of cheap amazon tests. Negative.

9dpo: I ate gummy candy and got super nauseous afterwards, which isn't normal for me.

10dpo: decided to test again, same cheapies, 2 were positive! I confirmed with a first response test, also positive! Lower back very mild cramps. Other than that, I felt nauseous, dizzy and loss of appetite (could be my nerves lol)

All the times I felt nauseous it was a feeling in the back of my throat, I haven't gotten sick yet. Stomach just feels off. Nothing tastes right. But I will take it! I feel lucky and happy.