Chemical or left over hcg?

Samantha • Mama to a handsome boy and angel baby 👼 👦! Proud military wifey ❤️

Hey guys! I’m so confused. Had a D&C on the 6th at 11 weeks. 2 weeks after that we got pregnant again and had another miscarriage/chemical. I have since had a period and a few days prior to it my hcg levels were 18. I assumed that they had hit zero since my FRER test looked very very light. Fast forward to now and 2 days ago I tested and was positive and darker than the last test taken before my period. I’ll attach it.

Then I got these the last few days!

I’m so confused! They aren’t getting darker :(! Or lighter and it’s been 2 days already. Is this a chemical? The doctor said my cervix was closed!!