I hate my job

I feel so sad to say that, but it’s true. I hate my job. I can’t trust my boss. I feel like she is shady, and going behind my back to try to get me fired. She’s new to the company, only been here for about 2 months now. I have been with the company for 1.5 years. We run a property together, but she doesn’t know how to do anything and I’m the only reason the property is still functioning. I just feel like she is trying to get rid of me and I don’t know what to do. I’ve tried looking for another job but I can’t find anything that can match my current income. I’ve been praying and praying about it but I can’t hear God saying anything and it’s frustrating and scary. I can’t lose my job. I just don’t know if I should continue to look elsewhere, or just leave it in Gods hands. I have never been written up before or had to be reprimanded for any reason. We just had our yearly evaluations and I am nervous to see how she evaluated me, given that she barely knows me at all.