UPDATED: Do you think this is appropriate?

So my husband’s thing is bourbon. He enjoys following bourbon pages on Instagram and Facebook, collecting different types. I’m glad he has something he likes to do cool.

He went to a liquor store, I stayed in the car with our son it was awhile of him shopping around. When he comes back he said the store manager was showing him around all the different types and showed him their special back stock for VIP customers.

I didn’t think anything of it until I saw on Snapchat he has been in contact with the manager who showed him around. It’s a female which okay shouldn’t be a big deal but we have had issues in the past where is was cheating. What do you guys think of this? I know it sounds stupid but I just can’t seem to shake it that it is weird but maybe I’m overthinking it?

Edit: I’ve been reading all the comments and it definitely makes me feel better than others think it’s weird and I’m just not going crazy in my head.

He didn’t know the women beforehand it was just some random store we happened upon. This was like over a month ago. And it was just the other day that I saw they had become friends on Snapchat? So I don’t know who added who first. They obviously exchanged numbers that day. I know my husband has left his number at liquor stores so they could call him if a certain type came in. Which I understand but to be on Snapchat? Also there is a 💛 next to her name so obviously they have been snapchatting a lot within the past couple days. I haven’t confronted him about it yet I’m really trying to think how do it? Other than just straight out going and smashing his phone because I’m just annoyed

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Posted at
“Back stock” = her tits


Posted at
I think it’s extremely odd he has the manager on Snapchat? Someone would have had to give theirs first etc. It wouldn’t fly with me 🤷🏻‍♀️


Ally • Feb 8, 2020
Wait did he know the manager beforehand?


Posted at
Absolutely inappropriate. Especially given his history. Why the need to follow her at all? Maaaaaaybe if she had an Instagram page for bourbon or something but her personal Snapchat? No way.
Absolutely inappropriate. Especially given his history. Why the need to follow her at all? Maaaaaaybe if she had an Instagram page for bourbon or something but her personal Snapchat? No way.


Posted at
That seems very inappropriate. I would be irritated if my husband did that. There’s really no reason he should need to contact this woman personally or vice versa. If there is a certain liquor he needs, he could call the store. Snap chat always just seems sketchy to me, like someone wants the evidence of conversations they’ve had to go away.


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If he’s cheated on you before than I wouldn’t trust him. And why would he gave the manger on Snapchat? 🤔


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That's odd as hellI've also given a liquor store my number when I ordered something specific so they could call me when it came in. It was used for business purposes only. Not so we could go home and add heart Emojis and Snapchat and whatever. That's not okay Something's going on 🤔


Posted at
That’s weird af My husband knows better than to eve pull that type of shit with me. Lol


L. • Feb 8, 2020
Absolutely. Not cool!


Marie • Feb 8, 2020
Exactly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He clearly didn’t set any boundaries. I wouldn’t be mad at her l! My first thought would be what impression was he giving that she felt this was okay?!


L. • Feb 8, 2020
And on top of that whatever conversation he was having with this lady in the store where she felt it was appropriate to essentially exchange snapchats (which is worse than phone numbers in my eyes) let’s me know that he was not having the most appropriate conversation with her being a married man. And if she felt she could ask him for Snapchat he should have at that point declined and said he was married and that wouldn’t be appropriate


Posted at
Yes you need to confront him Take pictures of everything with your phone first So if he even tries to deny it or deletes the messages or thread you have proof! Definitely is inappropriate ESPECIALLY if he was disloyal before!


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He told you about it, so I don't think theres anything other what he said. Go in with him next time?


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I do think it's odd he has her on Snapchat and she showed him in the back