HCG dropping slowly after D&C


Okay ladies this is long so i apologize.

We found out we were pregnant and unfortunately the baby had no heartbeat. Stopped growing around 6 weeks.

Went in for. D&C Procedure ended up loosing a lot of blood and was admitted.

Weekly checks of my HCG has been checked and everything is trending down.

Got a call yesterday from my OB saying my HCG level has gone down since the last draw but only by like 900.

2 weeks ago it was in the low 4,000’s and yesterday it was around 3,100.

I have to go in Monday to another HCG draw.

Has anyone ever had very slow trending getting their level back down?

Or has anyone just fell pregnant during this time and that’s why it wasn’t dropping anymore?

We haven’t prevented getting pregnant, i just didn’t know how possible it was with my HCG being that high.

I’m a month post op from my D&C !

Any advice or feedback please!

I’m so nervous