When do you think I ovulated??

Nicole • ✨TTC #1 since 10/1/18✨👼🏻

I have my opk chart when do you think I ovulated? Yesterday Cd 13 at about 10:30 am I got a achy cramping sensation in my lower right abdomen that stretched around to my lower backside it lasted like 1-2 minutes. I’m wondering if that was ovulation pain I felt. I peaked on cd 12 according to my strips and Premom. I bd on cd 10, 11, and 13 so far I hope and pray this is my month. 2nd month tracking with OPKs and my peak was very strong cd 12 as well last cycle. It’s been a long road for me just waiting on that positive pregnancy test 16 cycles this month. Praying it’s my month and all the lovely ladies out there who are in the same boat.