Trying to get over cheating

How do you go about gaining trust back from your SO after they’ve cheated? Whenever he’s not around or busy doing something I get anxious because I feel like I need to know what he’s doing every second to put my mind at ease. I know that’s not healthy for either of us especially me. I’ve also never told him I feel like that, it just really makes me have like little panic attacks even though he’s not doing anything but at work and such. Or I feel like he could be lying to me about what he’s doing and Idk if I can go on with this when I can’t trust him even when he’s telling the truth.

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I haven’t stayed with anyone who’s cheated but I know others who have. First off, you’re gonna need counseling and lots of it. Then you’re going to need to forgive them, genuinely forgive them, and stop bringing it up. Also make sure they put in the work and effort to gain your trust back. Don’t let them make you feel crazy, they are the ones who broke the trust so they need to do everything possible to gain your trust. If after all that and you still can’t forgive them or trust them then maybe it’s time to look into separating. Good luck x


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The best thing for you to do is leave the relationship.


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I left the one that cheat on me.