These tests SUCK *updated


Okay, definitely not buying Walmarts Ovulation tests again, these are so frustrating! 😤

My husband thinks this one is positive, I think it's getting close but not there yet. Next month for sure getting something better, pink dye I think.

Anyway - these stupid things 😑 are SO FAINT within the 10 minute window in the instructions. But this one a second line came up as thick as the control line in the first 3 minutes. This is why I think it might be getting close. Gonna test AM & PM tomorrow.

* update *

Here is my test this morning, the test line came up pretty quickly. I still am not sure it's positive but we're gonna BD of course.

**Updated again**

Okay now THIS I think is a positive! 'Scuse me while I go get my husband 😂

Updated #2

Now it's even more positive. So I guess these are easier to read when it's a for sure positive but I still want to go with a different brand in the future.