My nerves are going crazy!


Hi everyone. I believe this is my first post ever while being in this group for a while now. Please ladies be gentle. What should I do? Any personal experiences are welcomed. My period was set to come on the the 6th. On the 7th while taking a shower and washing Ms. Kitty, I observed some brownish colored (like when your towards the end of your menstrual). I figured my period was coming so I put on a pad. I went that day till the following morning with absolutely nothing on my pad. When I went to the bathroom on the morning of the 8th (yesterday), this is what I got. Again I spent all day with a pad and as on this morning (February 9th) absolutely nothing. I even went to the restroom and swabbed my finger in the inside and nothing. What should I do? I have a procedure coming up on the 13th to unblock my fallopian tubes because according to the HSG test we did a few months ago my tubes are blocked. For the record, my periods are usually right on tim every month and it is rare for it to be anything else than that. My 28th day was Feb 6th. Should I test or give it another day or two? I just don't wanna get my hope's up too early.


OMG, OMG, OMG!!!! After Six Years of actively trying! MY GOD SHOWED OUT!!