Please stop shutting me out!

All right. This will require some background explaining.

So, I am a senior in high school. For the past like two and a half years I was so certain I wanted to be a high school Spanish teacher. A lot of the classes that I’ve taken thus far was pointing in that direction. This fall, I had applied to Illinois State University, didn’t get in, and was shattered to the core. That was my dream school. Then I started sliding from there and then started doubting my future. At one point I was like, nope, I can’t do this, I don’t even want to go to college, I will go into the workforce.

So come early December, I was so lost and confused that I sought out my counselor’s advice to get some help. It sort of helped but I felt like I was making no progress until January.

In the meantime, things have been brewing with my counselor and some other adults that’s been involved in this process. Oh here’s another thing. I have a vision disability so I have an IEP at school. I’d already had an IEP meeting earlier in the school year and was before plans changed. Well then it wasn’t until a week later or so that I found out that my counselor had set up another meeting with my team and I. I thought nothing of it until someone else told me that it was my second IEP meeting. So I’m like great thanks, that would’ve been nice to know. So there’s been meetings and nonstop emails probably with all the adults and no one tells me a single thing! If I supposedly have some voice in a part of MY future, then stop dragging me around blindly and expecting me to agree to everything you plan and let me have a voice too! Like when did I ever agree to another meeting? Never. When did I ever agree to any of this? Never. Did you ever consider to ASK if I would be ok with the idea of another meeting? NO! I feel like my values aren’t truly appreciated and it hurts. I am the one who chose to be open and honest about what is going on and you don’t even reciprocate 95% of that back. Like how am I supposed to lead a meeting if you never tell me anything about it? How am I supposed to prepare for it if you never share any details with me???

I know that was super long and I’m sorry but come on! Do you think I am wrong in being a little pissed off with everyone?