Why am I having dreams about everything I don’t like about myself TW

Trigger warning: talking about sexual assault

When I was 15 my cousin sexually assaulted me multiple times and I told my family but my aunt doesn’t know. They justified what he did with his PTSD and figured it was best she didn’t know because she was already dealing with a lot because of him.

I love my aunt. With my whole heart, and I had a dream that I was forced to tell her against my will what he did to me in detail and I was called a liar over and over again and not only that but in real life, it’s always in the back of my mind that she will think I’m a liar and absolutely hate my guts. I also had dreams of him doing it again, and this dream was absolutely torture. I’m having dreams of my friends coming to me about everything wrong with me, and cutting me off for it. I don’t know why my dreams are torturing me but I’m really upset about them and super sensitive because every time I go to sleep I’m reminded of bad things that I don’t like to think about.

No I have never seen a therapist about this, I have never had the money to. These dreams are a new thing, and I can try to see if my insurance will cover a therapist but they’re so expensive I doubt it.