Not sure what to think?


I had unprotected sex with my SO 5 days before glow said I would ovulate. None since then. My periods usually come the 5th of every month. Except I got a very short light period mostly brown and pink discharge with a small amount of red occasionally but not really enough to fill up a tampon and it only lasted for 2-3 days. Not exactly sure since glow decided to auto log my period for me. But it came earlier then normal and then I didn’t get my usual very heavy period on the 5th. I have some mild cramping that comes and goes. I feel a little more tired then usual. My nipples are more sensitive but no breast soreness. I can’t tell if I’m peeing more then normal because I usually drink a gallon of water a day if not more but I feel like I’m peeing more often while drinking less of that makes sense. I took a test about 3 days ago just in case but I’m wondering if you think I should test again later just to be on the safe side?