Help me understand..

I’m pregnant with my 3rd baby. Each baby I have gained a different amount weight during pregnancy. My first I gained 17lbs, my second I gained 20lbs and so far with the baby (25w5d) I’ve gained 14-16lbs, it fluctuates. But I’m not worried about gaining weight, it doesn’t bother me. It’s natural and all a part of pregnancy.

Why do women freak out and worry so much over weight gain during pregnancy?? You’re creating life. You’re supposed to gain weight during pregnancy. Not everyone does, it all depends on how your body deals with pregnancy, but it’s normal to gain 25-30lbs during pregnancy.

I just always see posts of women freaking out that they are gaining so much weight even though they eat healthy and exercise. Eating healthy and exercise isn’t gonna stop weight gain from happening during pregnancy..

Are y’alls doctors like telling you not to gain weight or something?? Am I missing something??

FYI.. I’m not skinny to begin with but I’m also not super big.


Thank y’all for being honest. It’s good to see it through others eyes!

Just for the record, I’m high risk with high BP and could develop preeclampsia. Weight gain isn’t exactly good for me either. But it’s not something I can control even if I exercise and eat healthy. And as I already stated I’m not skinny by any means. When I conceived I was 176lbs and I’m only 5’4. I come from a family of obese women so I really do have to watch myself. 2 of my aunts and my cousin have had gastric bypass surgery.

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Posted at
Just because something is “normal” doesn’t mean it’s easy for people. Watching that scale rise was awful for me during my pregnancy. I gained 29lbs. I saw every lb that I gained as a lb I needed to lose once baby was here.


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I think most woman don’t mind the gaining weight during pregnancy itself, but more so the fear of not being able to lose it afterwards.I’ve gained weight since my husband and I got married and I don’t like the idea of gaining more weight while pregnant because I’m already bigger than what I should be.But I’m okay with it in that it’s for a baby!But my fear in it is that I won’t be able to lose it after the baby and that I won’t find myself attractive anymore and that my husband won’t find me as attractive anymore. I know he’ll love me the same. But I want to be Smoking Hot to him


Posted at
For some of us, we are already overweight and it isn’t healthy for us to gain. I have to be so careful with everything I eat and make sure I’m being active enough to make sure that I don’t gain excessive amounts. With my first, I gained 40 pounds and I have struggled so hard to try and lose it. It’s been a nightmare. So for some people, weight gain isn’t just as simple as “putting on a few pounds during pregnancy.”


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Unfortunately, society puts a lot of emphasis on women's appearance and weight. We tend to associate our worth, attractiveness, and self esteem based on appearance, which makes it harder emotionally when gaining weight during pregnancy.


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My doctor actually puts this pressure on me to only gain 25-30lbs because of the many risks that come with gaining too much weight. I had preeclampsia 10 years ago with my oldest (I gained 55 lbs, I was 18 and depressed, in a horrid situation, I think this all added to it). I gained 30 with my second and had no problems at all. I’m here at #3, and I’m not too worried about it, but I know my doctor will be all over me down the line.


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It can be hard for some women to see the number go up every appointment. I had a serious eating disorder in my teens and early 20s and even though I don’t struggle with it on a day to day basis anymore the thoughts are still there sometimes. So watching my stomach grow and weight go up is hard some days but other days I’m fine with it because I know it’s important for my baby. But I also have people in my life like my husbands grandma who likes to comment on how much I’ve gained and remind me for the 50th time that she only gained 7 pounds when she was pregnant with my FIL. Everyone has their own things going on during pregnancy.


Posted at
I'm not gaining much but I'm following my body in what to eat and how to move..I'm fine with not gaining much so far (I'm only 16 weeks)And I'm sure I'll gain some more.I'm not scared of gaining weight, but I also don't feel like coming out of this pregnancy 20 kg's heavier (baby, amniotic fluid, placenta excluded) and having more trouble getting back to a weight in which I feel comfortable.For now, I'm embracing all the chubbs and bumps my baby is giving me, and I'm loving it ❤️❤️❤️