
Lauren • Had my sweet girl 02/22/20 - 5 weeks early due to rare genetic disorder💗 Had my handsome man 09/30/22 - 3 weeks early due to low birth weight💙

I went in today and my dr checked baby’s heartbeat everything was normal. I told him I’ve been having Braxton Hicks all day and he told me to start timing them. When I left his office around 5pm, I had 6 contractions.

The first 3 were about 10 minutes apart. The last 3 were about 5 minutes apart. They aren’t really consistent and aren’t painful, just tightening.

How do I know if it’s Braxton Hicks or actual contractions?

I’ve been drinking lots of water like he told me to and I’m still getting them.

I’m only 34 weeks.