Long distance baby shower?? Ideas please!


Hubby and I moved out of state (10 hrs away) for work a couple years ago. Now that we’re expecting (our first baby!!) we were hoping to make it back for a family get together/shower, but we’re due beginning of May and our work schedules probably won’t be allowing us to make it happen.

Has anyone done anything like a virtual baby shower?? We were thinking maybe we could do something like that over our social media and open gifts online so our friends/family can stream, then calmly plan a couple gatherings for everyone to meet the baby in the fall 🤷🏽‍♀️ we’re totally on our own since moving so we feel bad that we can’t make it out, but honestly I don’t feel like I have it in me to make a road trip and an entire weekend of family/parties happen- much less plan it from far away 🥵

Any and all ideas are welcome and appreciated!!