Leaking Boobies @ 36w, anyone else?



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Yep! Im 36 weeks on Wednesday and have been leaking for at least 10 weeks now. I've had to start using breast pads to avoid leaking all over myself. Lol


Saydee • Feb 11, 2020
Unfortunately Kara is right. In the last two weeks of my pregnancy with my son I was able to hand express 1.5 - 2oz each night. However my supply after he was born was less than that even when I gave up at 2 months I only made an oz if that. My cousin who didn't leak at all made it to a year breastfeeding


Kara • Feb 11, 2020
I've heard that its not much of an indication of good or bad supply after birth, just one of those things that happens. Lol


Amanda • Feb 11, 2020
I didn't with my first, so now that I am with #2 I'm hoping it's a sign of a good start to breastfeeding! Might be fookish haha.


Posted at
I haven't leaked at all! I have also heard that some women don't get any until the placenta detaches 🤷‍♀️


Posted at
I’ve been leaking since 18 weeks!?!😬


Posted at
I'm 34 weeks and have been leaking since 28 😂😂😂