Dark Brown Spotting...Could I still be pregnant?


Hi ladies! I know there are a lot of posts asking similar questions, but I haven’t seen many responses from people that this has happened to. I’ve been TTC this month and kept track of ovulation with OPK. Ovulation day should have been 2/8-2/9. We were baby dancing all week and weekend. Now at 1-2dpo I started seeing some brown spotting. It wasn’t much yesterday so while it did bother me I was trying to not worry too much. Today there is more, but it’s not enough to need a pad. I’ve been very crampy and even have pack pain today. Everything I’m finding says it’s probably ovulation bleeding. So my question is...has anyone had this and still gotten a BFP? I’m really really hoping I will, but this spotting is making me think I won’t. I’ll be 12dpo on my wedding day and was hoping to have a great surprise for my new hubby! Now I’m worried that a negative could spoil my big day.