Losing Hope


The worst part of waiting is hoping.

I’m 5 days late, cervix super high (can’t even reach it), CM is creamy with light brown tint. I bawled for an hour today because the fails hurt so much. I am 39 and losing steam. What a rollercoaster we are on. We’ve had 5 miscarriages and have been TTC for 6 years.

I’m nauseous round the clock, hot flashing, mood swinging like crazy, core tem 3 degrees higher than my norm... I allowed myself to hope this time around and just about broke down again this afternoon when I noticed brown-tinged CM in my undies.

35+ TTC Sisters, I need some good vibes. I have light cramping only on the right side and have been on Progesterone since December. Last month I had a normal period. I’m just confused, frustrated, and a little lost.