Single on Valentine's...and ok with it

I just need to rant...I am tired of dating. I have tried to be the right person, the kind person, the loving person, the unconditional love person, compromised and endured some stupid people.....I've just gotten shitty men. Boys looking like men, and trust me I have used the bullshit meter, held off sex, held off relationship by building slowly...nothing gives.

I decided 2020 is my selfish men in the picture, just spending time healing my heart and soul. Being a better version of myself. I can't be the bitch, I refuse to let these soulless men jade me into thinking love does not exist. The past few weeks just focusing on has started to heal those wounds.

So this Valentine's day, I celebrate my singlehood, my freedom to choose my life and respect for myself, knowing the timing is wrong now but it will be right one day. For the single ladies, the 40s gang, we are not pushing for marriage like these orangutans feel we do....we just want respect, love and honor.

As I right this, the load on my my heart is less.

Happy Valentine's day ladies...celebrate love within as well!