Feeling Sick after Cervical Exam...Is this a coincidence? (Read Please)

This is my second time getting a cervical exam and both times I felt extremely sick the same night or the morning after and it lasted about 4 days. I am having flu like symptoms but I don’t have the flu. Both times I’ve experienced the chills with only a low grade fever (fluctuating between 99.9-100.9). Tylenol only helps long enough til I have to take my next dose. I’m staying hydrated. Not really eating though. My lower back is hurting super bad and I’m cramping badly in my lower pelvic area like intense menstrual cramps. I can’t tell if I am having contractions or not because my cramps are so bad it overrides everything else and it’s pretty much a nonstop cramping I am having. I don’t believe this is coincidence. I was feeling super energetic and 100% myself until hours after I had my cervical exam. What do you all think? Is this related to the cervical exam? I almost 38 weeks pregnant. I had my exam two mornings ago.

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