Huckleberry app

Sam • Mama to Hunter Cleyson, Oliver Jameson & Finley June

Does anyone else use it? I’ve been using it for a few weeks to track sleep. And just started tracking bottles in the last week because I was curious how many ounces she was actually eating a day.

I highly recommend it! It gives you the “sweet spot” to put them down for naps. She still isn’t falling asleep on her own but I try to rock her 10 minutes before her sweet spot time and it usually helps us avoid a meltdown.

Just wanted to pass on a trick that seems to be helping us!

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Posted at
Thank you ive just downloaded im going to try and see if it will help me get little one to nap at the minute he probably has maximum 45 minutes a day xx


Hayleigh • Feb 14, 2020
Hes had five naps today cant say its made him any happier but its been nice not to be rocking him 24/7 not doing my back any good xx


Sam • Feb 14, 2020


Hayleigh • Feb 14, 2020
Wow we have had two 40 minute naps already this morning he never naps and normally feeds every 2 hours hes napping at the minute and gone past his usual 2 hourly bottle xx


Posted at
Yes! Love this app. The sweet spots are right on for when my baby starts showing sleepy cues.


Posted at
Can someone help me out with using this app?! I haven’t started any kind of sleep training yet, so I rock my little one for about 15 minutes and then lay him in the crib for naps. Same thing for night time except he sleeps in his bassinet. Since he’s falling asleep in my arms, what time do I start the timer on his sleep time? To be honest, sometimes I have a hard time telling when he is actually asleep versus relaxing with his eyes closed/starting to fall asleep. Sometimes I will let him nap on me if he’s not slept well in a day and he’ll “fall asleep” but then wake back up squirming 5 minutes later and we’ll do this a few times before he’s actually out. How do you track sleep for instances like that? I’d like to start tracking his sleep in the app to see if the sweet spot predictor can be of any value but I’m not sure how to accurately track!


Je • Feb 18, 2020
Awesome, thanks!


Danae • Feb 17, 2020
I personally start the timer for sleep after I set her down. If she wakes up after I hit the timer but I can soothe her without picking her up I leave the timer running. If I have to pick her up and start over I reset the timer. I've been doing it for a few weeks this way and so far her sweetspots have been right on. She starts showing sleepy cues about 10 min before the time they recommend.


Posted at
Yes, it was working great for naps up until these past few days. I think he might be going through leap 3 late. I’m so jealous of your nights!!!! Last night was rough and I’m just in a bad state, super exhausted.


Sam • Feb 14, 2020
We had two terrible weeks of night sleep but these last two weeks have been wonderful. We’ll see how long it lasts! 😬


Posted at
I don’t use that app but damn I wish my baby had nights like yours 😅


Sam • Feb 14, 2020
She’s been doing really well at night the last 2 weeks. I’m cherishing it while it lasts. 😂