Advice time

Ladies.. my dude always stays adding girls on Facebook and then has the audacity to constantly tell me, "Babe, I knew her in middle school." Or "I worked with her when I was 20." And try to turn it on me like I'm crazy for being upset...but like, if you knew them that long ago, why are they relevant enough now to be defending that they stay?

Today, I log on our computer and go to FB, he's logged in and I see he had a friend request, I check and it's his hoe boss (literally, she throws her pussy at ever guy in that building) -delete- then I click on "Requests Sent" and BOOM 💥

.....there's this pretty young thang sitting in his SENT requests! Obviously I turned that shit around and made sure to delete that request. Now, before I go hearing his same lame ass excuse of who she is or was in his life before, I found her on Instagram. Here's how that went ...:

So, being the day before Valentine's I just hold my tongue and let it go? Or, should I confront him?

I'm 20 weeks and have been with this dude since 2017. I know I look crazy doing this, but when you hear the same tired excuses and lies...what are you supposed to do?

Anywho. The girl had no mf clue who he was and this girl is only 20 years old! Middle school my ass..he could've been her preschool teacher 🙄