To announce or not


Just found out Monday that I am pregnant after trying for 15+ yrs with several miscarriages. I am telling my family on Easter that I am are expecting. BD has opted to wait until right before the birthing, durin or after. There are people who are mutual friends that speak to his Mother regularly. Debating on if i tell them or not. Or if i just send an Easter gift to his mom's house like the ones my family are getting.

So BD's Mother has a VERY deep distain for me. Not sure why. Do I care, 50/50. I do care because at on point her opinion mattered to me because of the respect I had for her. Do I care now? Not one single bit! For she disrespected on a level that whatever is over all of us will have a field day with her once she passes from this life to the next! Only reason I do not care is because I know when she finds out her head is going to explode and she will have a heart attack! This tickles me only for the simple fact that she is a two faced, hypocritical, narcissistic liar that loves to gaslight who is a fantastic bible thumper and thinks her sh!t doesn't stink one single bit! This tickles me to no end because if everything is right I will be giving BD his son! Anyone that knows people like this. . . the first born having a son is a big thing! And my bestie that is helping me with the announcements pointed something out! For it being THIS early and my tests to pop THAT positive. . . there's twins brewing. Then the thought of her expression finding out I'm carrying not 1 but 2 boys. . . oh yes!!! Made my day even brighter! Knowing all of this, she's probably going to disown BD, kick him out(btw he is currently living at home with his mom, dad, sister, 2 neices and nephew and gets his daughter pretty much whenever she wants to come over.) and take him out of the Will. All because he knocked ME up. Someone that bettered her son's life(retired Army and has severe PTSD) as well as her granddaughter's(wasn't speaking when BD n I got together so I taught her sign language and she excelled at it. Then when she started to speak, learned 4 other languages all before she started kindergarten)! His health was in order. He had not had many PTSD moments. And the ones he did have I was able to bring him out in under 5 minutes. Her way took hours. I suppose what I am asking everyone is. . . . do I respect his wishes and not let his family find out? Or just flat out say they were going to find out one way or an other and just send them the Easter gift to get it all over and done with? Or just keep it to the people that are not apart of his parent's circle?

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