!How did you get your dog to stop howling or barking at night

I have four dogs. I’ve had my oldest dog for about six years and my youngest one is about to be two years. Starting 3 night ago they have been howling and barking all throughout the night and it’s really getting to me because I can’t sleep and I attend College and I have kids I just don’t know what to do I’ve kept them inside my room and they just like won’t go to sleep they’ll pace the whole room i have tile so I can hear them like just running or walking around everywhere I’ve tried putting them in their crates and they are just not having it . They have never ever howled or barked at night so this is something new to me I mean I guess they did it when they were puppies but they have not done it in a long time so I’m just very confused😭 it could be that we got new neighbors and I don’t know why they have like remodeling people working in the middle of the fucking night and maybe that’s affecting it but I’m not sure because they have been here often and it just started.