Lonely, husband doesn't get it

I'm tired of being lonely in my marriage you guys.

My husband works a lot. I work too, but not as much and from home. My husband leaves for work early, comes home late, never takes leave, etc.

I have to do everything. I run out household, I even do majority of the gardening. Because it's pretty much only me doing it, the house is NEVER fully clean and the garden is NEVER fully tended to.

Apart from this, I'm exhausted. I get up same time as he does mostly. Sometimes I make him lunch, sometimes I don't. Sometimes I iron his clothes in the morning , sometimes in the evening.

Sometimes I clean before work, sometimes I just sit on my phone. Then I work all day too. And I have a demanding job too (despite working from home). I also make sure our birds have enough food and prepare meals for them too,

Then after work I do the dishes, I cook supper, I feed the dogs and the cats. And I wait for his message with his excuse for the day on why he's going to be late.

He doesn't understand why I'm upset. He promised when his old manager left he'd stop coming home late but that didn't happen. He promised me he'd take leave but that didn't happen. He promised he'd fix it but that didn't happen.

He's basically saying his work is not allowing him to take leave, his law mandated leave, yet he's not prepared to go to a higher power or his union about it. As someone who has out in her fair share of overtime, I don't understand why he has to stay late EVERY SINGLE DAY. And we're talking staying up to two HOURS later. It's normally a whole hour. Every. Single. Day. Of. Every. Single. Week.

This isn't what I signed up for. I signed up for a marriage, for a partnership. Not to be sitting around waiting.

And I'm so tired from everything I do that I don't even have the energy to go out on a Friday or Saturday night. I sometimes don't even have the energy to clean (I do have medical issues as well).

I just feel so frustrated and defeated and lonely.

**** Aaaaaaand he's just let me know he's not going to be home until past 20:00 tonight.