Am I crazy or are my feelings accurate???

I’m currently 37 weeks pregnant and I just need to vent

Before getting pregnant I just always had this idea of the father just being so supportive and excited and wanting to be involved threw out the whole thing and would want to pick names and go shopping together for the baby the whole 9 yards however....

I GOT NONE OF THAT 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️

he seems to have no interest he’s the complete opposite of supportive he says he’s excited but his actions are saying otherwise we have not baby shopped together at all I did it all alone I set most of the baby’s things alone i still have a few more to set up I packed her hospital bag alone I even picked her name out alone he treats me ok he can be petty and childish for example my aunt and friend planned a shower for me and he wanted to invite his sisters (who I kinda feel some type of way towards) anyways my aunt hadn’t told me the date or place because originally it was a surprise so she wanted to keep part of it still a surprise (I didn’t want a shower to begin with) so I gave her his number and he was mad because she didn’t text him when he wanted her to so I was suppose to move out and into his place on Monday but that didn’t happen so we planned for Tuesday when he got out of work I waited had all my stuff packed and he texts me around 8 saying he’s on his way home but took the highway ( cause if he didn’t he would have to drive right pass my house) and told me to find a way to his house and bring my stuff I told him I didn’t have anyone who could bring me rn even tho he knew he was suppose to stop by and help me move the rest of the stuff so he tells me to take an Uber I’m currently 9 months pregnant and couldn’t lift some of the stuff alone and he was just being so petty and it just makes me feel like he didn’t wanna live together and I asked him and he didn’t answer the question but said he would be there tomorrow which he did but it’s just been off I’m alone all day cause he works and goes to the gym and he gets home at 7-7:30 so today is Valentine’s Day and he rather go out with his friends and drink while I’m alone again and I asked him for a simple thing on his way home which was a ginger ale cause I felt nauseous and he just ignored me and didn’t get it he’s always on his phone so I know he saw it and idk we don’t talk we don’t touch each other there just nothing I’m just a mess it’s just not what I wanted and I’m honestly not happy and I’ve told him and he just keeps saying he will be better and do better but he ends up doing the opposite I feel completely alone and part of me wants to venture out and talk to my ex again (I know I know it sounds bad) but I just feel like his roommate who’s having a baby that his be he acts like this baby is only mine and I feel like he does talk to other girls he won’t add me on any social media other than Instagram I have peeked a few times while he was on snap and I’ve seen girls on there idk I’m just not feeling it anymore