Doing everything “by the book” still not sleeping!!


So my LO falls asleep without assistance. I put him down drowsy but awake and he falls asleep quickly. 10 min tops. We have a bedtime routine and a nap time routine that are both short and sweet but effective. He has a pacifier.. it falls out eventually but he dosnt wake up when it falls out. I follow wake windows and I think they’re good? He gets good naps. 2 naps 1.5 hrs usually and a third before bed that is half hour. I have very low white noise on. I black out the room for naps. He eats a lot during the day (32oz formula + 3 purée meals per day) so does not need to feed at night. And still after all the stuff your “suppose to do” wakes up several times at night crying but is usually quick to settle. I don’t know what to do. I’m thinking maybe he gets too much day sleep or maybe it’s time to drop a nap? His amount of day sleep is within the recommended limits? So lost here. Anyone else? I intend to sleep train. Just waiting until he’s over his cold. P.s bad sleep is not related to cold. Started befor the cold (which we got from the doctors office at his 6 month appt - go figure lol)