Need opinion

So I’ve been dating this guy for over 5 months. He made it official but I know that’s not what it is. I told him in the beginning if he wanted to be fwb or f buddies, I’ll be okay with it. He refuses that label. We’re 5 months in, but has not taken me out. So I know he’s only using me for sex but I just don’t get why he won’t admit it’s not “dating”? He texted me saying we would hangout Thursday or Friday. His birthday is also the same day had Valentine’s Day and didn’t even make the time to see me. He didn’t even respond and text me back and left me hanging that night. He made an excuse saying I had said “nvm” which I didn’t mean it that way and said he went to sleep. But he could’ve texted me saying not tonight or something. Im so upset. He didn’t even know why I was upset and had to explain it to him, didn’t even acknowledge what I had to say. I am aware he doesn’t treat me right and I know I deserve better but it’s so upsetting cuz I’m a human being, not an object. I deserve communication and he doesn’t even do that. He just doesn’t care. Then on Saturday he told me we couldn’t hangout cuz he was having ppl over. Meaning his roommates and friends were doing a get together for his bday (which I wasn’t even invited to) and I got in snapchat and see that he blocked me. Idk if he blocked me because he didn’t want me to see his stories or if he just doesn’t care anymore and is done with me? Sorry I just had to vent to some random ppl lol. My roommates aren’t here right now. And also I know I should leave, all my friends are telling me to but i don’t think I want to because of the sex, but my thing is this isn’t the first time I’ve expressed how I felt.. it’s the third time. We’ve talked and he told me hes working on it and apologizes but nothing has changed over the months. I know I can’t change a person but it just sucks that he can’t get it through his head. All I want is for him to understand