Won’t let husband out alone w baby

So my husband is super pissed because I said that I wouldn’t let our son go out w him alone until he demonstrates that he is capable... and I said it gives me anxiety which it does...

So he told me to F off and that he’s gonan get a lawyer to take our son half time 🙄

Here are a few reasons:

- he complains after holding him for ten minutes that his back hurts

-he says he “cant handle” working then coming home to play w barking dog and baby.. like it’s a chore..

-the one time I said to myself I was gonan leave baby and him together without worrying& not checking up on them ( I was in other room getting ready), I hear baby cry loud af and then I go out to see that baby has hot coffee spilled on him

-he doesn’t change diapers and always refuses

-he is on his phone 24/7

Those are just a few reasons and there are a few more too

I’m a SAHM

Thoughts ? Is he right to be pissed?