Advice on VBAC

Alley • Mama of 2 ❤️

Hello everyone! So ive been looking for support groups for vbac's. In the near future we plan on ttc #2. and I want to try to deliver vaginally unmedicated (but of course Im open to getting an epidural) and breastfeed right after.

So a little info from my first:

My water broke around 1130pm on a fri and I went into the hospital once my contractions were 2-3 mins apart 😬 I got there and the plan was all natural I was able to go to 6 or 7 cm before I got the epidural (I had ALL back labor and all ready had a bad back) a few hours go by and I had gotten a fever also Ive finally dilated to 10cm but he never dropped so they had me of course to start pushing to try to labor down... The first couple pushes my babys heart rate was going all over the place. 3 hours of pushing go by and the midwife calls the ob to come in and help, my baby was stuck on my pelvic bone and the ob was helping turn him during the pushing we did that for another hour and then my baby produces meconium which then leads to an emergency c-section... My baby was born on sat at 4:02 pm with a fever from me and slight jaundice the nurses had to take him to get his temp down before I could see him.

After all of that would I be able to try for a vbac? Of course I know I have to have 18 months between births which I understand. I just hope I am able to do it.. The only thing is I am scared to have another emergency c-section again. I guess my question would be is how do I get prepared to have a vbac and to help with breastfeeding afterwards.