Is it okay if I don’t eat for a day while pregnant?

Just in a really bad bind today, ran out of food/money on our card and the hubby won’t be home till later in the night. He only has a bit of cash on him right now otherwise I’d just order something (we’re not normally broke just didn’t pay attention and got ourselves into a bind today)

Will my baby be okay if I don’t eat for about 10 hours + the night I was sleeping).

Thank u so much for the nice comments - I promise I wouldn’t have a baby if I couldn’t afford to eat, it’s just one bad day and it won’t ever happen again. Im totally fine with feeling like crap for a day since it’s my fault. I’m not good at asking for help but if it would’ve hurt my baby I do have people that can help me out . Thanks so much for offering to order me food that’s so sweet of you, I’ll just ask a friend if I have to later on ❤️❤️❤️