How am I suppose to do this alone?

My finance left me after 5 years together. We were TTC for 7 months. Took a break trying a month before he decided to leave me. & we just found out I’m 5 weeks pregnant about two weeks after the breakup. He wants to be there for the baby, but not for me. It hurts because i always pictured a pregnancy with the man I love by my side, supporting me through every change. I still love him dearly, and I am bitter about the fact he will go out & party & meet people while I’m home pregnant & heartbroken wishing he was there to feel all the kicks and comfort me. I’m moving in with my mom. So I can save up money, but this all hurts so bad. I’m leaving my job, my home, my life. I feel like I’m going to be so alone. Has anyone else gone through this? Or something similar? I could really use some encouraging words.