Baby abdomen measuring small..


Hello, I just had my 31 week ultrasound and the doctor came in to talk to me afterwards about the results. So he’s notice that the past 3 ultrasounds have had consistent results. My baby’s head and legs have been measuring ahead and the abdomen has been measuring behind. While the head and legs have been measuring 1.5 weeks ahead steadily then abdomen has been slowly measuring further and further behind. Her tummy is now measuring 3.5 weeks behind and in the 6th percentile while the rest of her growth is measuring in the 80th percentile. Right now he doesn’t think any further measures need to be taken because her weight is also measuring 1.5 weeks ahead but he said that at my next ultrasound (35 weeks) if her abdomen is slipping behind any further than it is now or if her weight isn’t where it needs to be then they’ll have to take her. Anyone else ever experience this? What causes just the abdomen to be so small while everything else is ahead of schedule? This is my first baby