Late symptoms??


Ok so I'm 10 weeks and 2 days and I havent had any frequent urination until today.

Is that odd??

With all three of my past pregnancies it all started around 5-7 weeks but not this one the symptoms have been completely different

I havent thrown up once. I've had nausea but no throwing up, and from week 4-6 major sore breasts but that's eased up now. I have been constipated since early on. But that's all. Now today I've had to pee so bad every hr and I'm finding it odd that it's just now kicking in.

I'm also pretty sure I've been feeling the baby flopping around can that be this early?? Of course I have to be squished up in some crazy position to feel it but I'm pretty sure that's what it is.

With my first pregnancy i was throwing up everything all the time. I dropped 30 lbs from week 8-12 until it stopped.

Second pregnancy i only threw up a handful of time through the whole pregnancy

And third i never threw up but it ended in a miscarriage early on so i didnt get to experience much other then nausea, frequent urination, tiredness, and sore breasts.

My concern is if my symptoms arent coming on when they're supposed to if I'll lose this baby to. Im being overly cautious I guess. I have an appointment next week to check on things but that still seems so far away lol.