Help I dnt want to feel this way 😞😷


Im 7weeks today and Ive been feeling so sick its getting worse im nauseous all day long dnt have an appetite and my babys father is doing all he can to help me hes so attentive and sweet mean while im miserable and cant stand to be near him i smell him and get sick i cant kiss him without wanting to vomit and dnt want to cuddle which is crazy because b4 i got pregnant i was stuck to him like glue idk y i feel like this i know i hurt his feelings and i try to explain that i cant help it if i feel sick around him he says its in my head bt i honestly cant help it. I dnt want to complain or sound ungrateful because ive wanted his baby for 3 years now and its finally happening!!! And to mention ive wanted a 2nd baby for 12 years now my daughter is 13 years old now so being pregnant now is starting all over again bt such a blessing i just dnt want to ruin my relationship any advice?