She is the reason I got pregnant ❤

❤👑Rachel 👑❤

So my husband and I struggled ttc for 8 long years. The last year I did every thing I could. I mean everything. I started to give up again. My sons 11 yo chihuahua passed away. Watching him grieve absolutely broke my heart💔

A friend of ours had some pups and knew what our son was going thru. He offered to give us a puppy. I wasn't sure, it had only been 3 months. And nothing could replace our Sparky. But We got her at 8 weeks old. Immediately we fell in love. My 12 yo is so protective of her. Well, I began to give up. Stopped using opks, stopped having hope. I told myself "At least I'll have the honor of raising this tiny creature. It's not in the cards for me to have another child." I'm not joking the next month I was pregnant! I truly believe it was her. Having so much joy and happiness bc of her and the way the stress melted off the moment I told myself it was okay to give up bc I was happy being a mother to my son and raising this tiny pup. I may sound crazy but it's TRUE. I believe pets play a huge part in our lifes. They are family.

She'll be 1 yo on March 31st and I can't believe so much has happened since then. Our little Pearl❤