Strange Cramps and Stabbing Boob Pain

Katie • Baby #2 on the way 🥰💘

I am 9 DPO today. From 6-8 DPO I had the strangest cramps. I had never felt them before.. they were localized on my right side in my lower abdomen. I know I ovulated from my right ovary this month. It was a pulling sensation.

Last night I had 4-5 stabbing/shooting pains in my right breast right below my nipple. I’ve also never experienced this. It was the strangest feeling. I have also been a bottomless pit when it comes to food! I will finish I whole meal and be hungry a half hour later, it’s the strangest thing! Has anyone else had symptoms like these? I’ve been driving myself crazy... we have been ttc for 9 cycles and this time I can’t really explain it but I just FEEL pregnant. My lower belly just feels... different. It feels full and almost tender. Part of me is convinced that I have just become so in tune with my body over these last 9 cycles and part of me thinks I’m just getting my hopes up. TIA, ladies!