Seriously concerned about nutrition intake


My little girl is appx 14-14.5lbs and will be 9 months on the 28th. She has never really eaten a lot and I EBF for 3 months and then the doc recommended adding 2 formula bottles a day to help with calorie intake. She’s still never became a big eater and drinks only about 4 4oz formula bottles and will eat some infant oatmeal and maybe a purée a day, I breastfeed at night (probably more for comfort than nutrition for her). It doesn’t seem like a lot to me considering I see posts about babies eating multiple 8oz bottles 😓 And she only eats that much with me or family members she’s comfortable with. She’s been refusing food at daycare, for example she only ate 1 jar of baby purée today, wouldn’t take any bottles or eat her oatmeal. Of course as soon as I got home she ate 3 1/2 ounces of formula mixed with oatmeal and then I breast-fed her but I am so worried she’s not getting enough everyday on days like today. She isn’t always this bad at daycare but she is really difficult when they try to give her bottles so I always make sure I pack extra food especially the formula mixed with oatmeal to ensure she gets the nutrition but I’m starting to worry. Any other difficult/smaller eaters?