This app was a very handy tool thoughout my pregnancy experience

This app was a very handy tool thoughout my pregnancy experience. I solidly suggest this app get better at punishing harassing statements and extremely unuseful replies within posting that people seem to just post to get a raise of conflict starting and how their had to be at least one individual for every post within here so far that should been blocked,removed or temporarily ban from beable to reply. 
This absolutely ruin my desire to use the community for conversations and consulting which should never be case.
My birth experience was forced and early due to my baby being frank breeched we keep going in every week to see if he had turn/flipped but no go. We schuduled our appointment to flip him by force but our doctor notice my fluid was not enough to flip the baby anymore so I had a csection my doctor said “either tonight or tomorrow morning whenever you prefer since the baby or you are not in destress but I can’t let go home with that little fluids. You got to stay here til we do the csection”
So the very beginning of week 38 csection with spinal. Beautiful healthy baby and smooth csection. 
I stayed for the 72hrs aka 3days to learn and build more confidence with; changing myself, bathroom steps, coming and going from bed safely, breast feeding and showering with my snitches before trying to solo with out option to call a professional to assist me.
If you can I really recommend staying the full 3days to Maximizing your mommy and baby technical skills.
Oh I should say this I wanted a circumcising. And still do we would and desires and even ask our hospital to do it. Oddly I had a very aggressive and offensive conversation with my doctor or should I say doctors because I never got just one. I manage to score one amazing doctor who I waited to deliver/do csection with and I am so happy I did. The other two one was meh and other is a nightmare every time who was one who help me the next day after delivery aka day 1 (12-24hrs later since he was a late afternoon baby) 
This doctor had nerve to tell me that circumsing was pointless and purely cosmetic....then continued to integrate me why and if I was religious as rolled his eyes at my husband who wanted it more then me. Like I was forcing my options on my husband to do this. 
We do not need to know that this doctor’s boys all are not!? Wtf 
He should not told me it’s purely’s not.
He even went so far to say our son penis was tiny and too small.
He needed to respect our wants and not force his options so hard that he refused to do the procedure.
It wasn’t til the hospital pediatrician came to do our baby checks this doctor actually was baffled he said our son penis was not tiny or small but what should be excepted for a baby. Told us we could have it done and absolutely can if we still wanted it but if was his son he have done with an urologist since they specialize in those surgeries he gave us information and instructions how do it.
That what the doctor should of done this was a doctor not the other one who display countless reasons why they should not be a doctor. 
Happy to have a beautiful healthy perfect baby boy without any issues I am so lucky and this would not been possible without this app’s assistance along my pregnancy journey thank you so much glow! Hope you keep this app for years to come and keep improving I want to use them for baby number two. Thanks again.