One week early!

Stephanie • Boy mom 💙💙💙

⚠️TMI birth photos ⚠️

I had my membrane sweep done on Thursday afternoon, went home, cooked and cleaned but didn’t feel much different. Then around 1am, I kept thinking I was having Braxton Hicks until I realized they were real contractions an hour later. 😅 So I woke my husband up at 2am, tried to get ahold of my friend who was supposed to watch our other two boys and got no response. (Her phone died) Luckily my little brother was able to come over and watch them for me. Around 3am when he got to our house we decided to head to the hospital since my contractions were 3 min apart but I could still talk through them. That was my biggest mistake, I went in “too early” so the midwife on call didn’t seem to take me seriously when I got there even though I was 5cm by 6am. The nurse wanted me to stay since I was dilated so far and it was the third baby, she said there was no point in going home 30 min away just to come right back. Which is exactly what happened 😒 By 8:30am we were back and at 7cm, which at that point I was begging for the epidural and they told me I might have the baby before then and that started the downward spiral of my positive mindset. I started to panic and tell my husband I couldn’t do it but luck was on my side and I was able to get the epidural around 10am. I was so relieved since I knew it was going to work just as great as it had with the other two boys. Wrong! It only numbed half my body but at that point there wasn’t anything we could do. So I tried to sleep between contractions and then all of a sudden my water breaks and I sat up so fast I startled my family (my water has never broke on its own before so it was interesting) and there was water everywhere! That’s when shit hit the fan and the contractions got serious, even with half of me being numb I seriously felt like I was going to die. The pain was so intense but somehow I managed to push him out in 18 minutes. His shoulders showed me a whole new level of pain but thankfully that was only brief.

With only 11 hours of labor he was here by 11:40am weighing 8lbs 7oz and 21 inches long. Our biggest baby and the only one I didn’t need stitches for! And honestly, I’m so happy he is here and healthy but there is no way in hell I’d ever want to do that again. 😫

Our last bump photo

All of that and you came out looking just like your dad. 😒