
Jo • 1 Ectopic 2 early losses, now mommy to the beautiful E 🧡🧡🧡💗

How worried is everyone? I get the impression on here the Americans momma seems to be much more concerned about germs/illnesses, just going on the amount of posts on the subject on here. As a uk momma I’m not overly concerned about coughs and colds. I know this actually isn’t a serious illness in the whole and while it is contagious it’s only serious in a very small %. Not normal a fan of antibacterial cleaning as I believe going too far in this can actually effect your immune system but have started using the wipes a little more. As a nurse I know how and when to wash my hands. We are off on holiday in two weeks to Tenerife but no where near the hotel that’s been in the news. Just wonders how others are feeling about it.