Question for people who haven't managed to EBF


I unfortunately never managed to EBF my son. He was born at 9lbs 9oz and struggled with latching. I tried for 8 full weeks of breastfeeding then pumping then feeding either expressed breast milk if had enough or formula to top up. I pumped around the clock for 8 weeks and was still only managing to pump about 15oz a day which took hours and hours of pumping to do. I had to stop at 8 weeks for my own sanity also I couldn't go on stuck to a pump every 2-3 hours to still be feeding 50% formula nearly. I still to this day regret it.

How ever, I was watching a programme last night abiut breastmilk and the studies done on it. The programme highlighted that poor milk supply is more common with baby boys than girls. I am just curious if the people who have had supply issues mainly have boys? I've had this issue with both my sons. But atleast both got some breast milk. After watching the programme about how the milk is so unique to the individual baby I feel even more guilty. I don't know how to overcome this feeling.

I'm also curious if you haven't managed to breast feed what country are you from? I'm from UK and I do believe success rates are much higher in other countries especially America.