I don’t want my son around his paternal grandma

I’m going to be referencing my child’s father as “Ej’s dad”. Ej is my son.

During my pregnancy, me and Ej’s dad broke up due to infidelity.. he cheated on me while I was pregnant. During the entire pregnancy, I did not have support from either him or his family. I never got messages from anyone asking how I was, nothing. That’s fine! I didn’t care I was prepared to raise my son on my own.

While in a relationship with Ej’s dad, I experienced what it was like to be apart of his family. I saw everything behind the scenes & he told me a lot. Ej’s grandma is a grandmother of 4 kids, my son being the 5th grandchild. While dating Ej’s dad, I became aware of how rough his childhood was because of his mother. She has always been self centered, has put men before her kids.. she’s the type of mother who her kids will starve for days and she’ll order an entire pizza and eat it in front of her kids and when they ask for some, she’ll whoop them. Ej’s dad went through childhood abuse because of a man his mother was dating. Now that her kids are grown, she has the same tendencies with her grandchildren.. I know this because I’ve witnessed it myself.

Her grandkids are aged 9,7,5,1.

She smokes weed with the kids in her presence, she cusses at them. Yells, demands them bring her things, talks down on them, she is extremely toxic.. she yells at the kids and tells them their parents business.

Ej’s sister had a baby a year ago, they all live in the same house. Ej’s grandmother smokes weed in the house, 2 doors down from the baby room and doesn’t care. Since the baby came home, he’s been inhaling contact smoke from ej’s grandmother. There were times I would come over and the house was filled with smoke while the baby was there.

During the last 2 weeks of my pregnancy, ej’s grandmother randomly started to become “interested” in my pregnancy. She all of a sudden is pressing me out trying to find out the due date, claiming she’s going to be at my delivery (yeah right) and started to post about it on Facebook!

The day of my delivery, I was induced. I told ej’s dad so he could meet me at the hospital and he told his mom. I wasn’t even at the hospital when it was already all over Facebook that my son was going to be born today. (Ej’s grandma of course). I had made it clear to everyone prior I did not want my son all over Facebook, im a private person & felt like my son would be posted on social media when I was ready to do so. While in labor, this lady is calling ej’s dad every hour around the clock.. nagging, complaining that my labor was taking too long and she was gonna come up here. I told my nurses to block any visitation while I was in labor. When I finally delivered, he told her and she ran up to the hospital. The first thing she did was for 2 minuets straight was snapping pictures of the baby, yelling being extra ghetto “HEY EJ THIS IS YOUR NANA HELLOOOO” so loud to the point where my baby started crying. I was ready to tell her off, but ej’s dad saw that I was about to go batshit and he stopped her. I made it clear once again I did not want my son on Facebook or anything until I was ready. She just laughed. My nurse could tell I was agitated, so she asked ej’s grandma to leave, so she left. A few hours after delivery, ej’s dad finally left. I finally was at peace, alone with my newborn.

The very next day I woke up to a message from ej’s grandma saying “Good morning,

I just wanted to say job well done and welcome to my family, I'm here for you if you need me I promise to stay in my lane and watch you and my son raise him..but I will say if I see that foundation cracking i’m gonna slide in and u both might not like me but I pray tht God give you both wisdom provisions understanding strength”.

I was livid honestly because she was a piece of shit mother, she is a horrible grandmother and here she is saying she’s going to LET ME raise MY SON? I did not respond.

I’d also like to point out, ej’s dad has not helped me with one single item. He has not helped me financially, he hasn’t even gotten the baby atleast a pack of wipes. He’s jobless and also a piece of shit because when he does get money he spends it on weed, like his mother.

I finally come home, I haven’t heard from ej’s dad.. again I don’t care. I’m better off being left alone. 3 days go by, again.. another message from ej’s grandma. “Hello hry

Hope ur ok tell me how’s the baby take a video and send it to me and can I come see him whats ur address Is there some thing u need let me know kiss him and say my name nanna”.

I sent her one picture of my son.. I look on Facebook an hour later and there it is.. my son is on fucking Facebook.

At this point, I reach out to ej’s dad.. express how I feel, he understands.. talks to his mom.. whatever.

At this point, I honestly just want to delete social media, change my number and just move on without ej’s dads family.. either way, ej’s dad is not helping me at all & his family is toxic. I don’t want my son to have a relationship with his grandma or his family at that, am I wrong for wanting this and not giving her or them a chance? Should I give her a chance? What should I do?