Speaking to my sister bores the hell out of me. Does that make me a bad person

She speaks to me all the time and as of recently she has been more and more negative. Trying to tell my child what to do as well like she's a parent when she's not.

She is the only one of our siblings who tries to keep me and my other sibling Intouch with our toxic abusive parents and she always brings us down, all she does is complain and overall she's just being a complete killjoy if you find yourself talking to her for too long you feel your mood slowly draining which for me is quite difficult to do because I'm always trying my best to be positive.

She's always bad mouthing people but nice to their face and always says things to knock people's confidence like to me she mentions that I speak too much and says nobody cares for what I have to say which nobody else has commented I talk too much, they actually say they love hearing me speak and the stories I tell!!

Does that make me harsh?

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