I can’t trust him after this


i’ve been with my boyfriend for about a year , he’s a freshman in college and i’m a senior in high school although we’ve been talking since he was in 11th and i was in 10th. since the beginning of our relationship i’ve noticed trust issues from his ex getting pregnant but it not being his ..ect ,so we talked about it and we decided not to have friends of the opposite sex until he was ready . Like it’s okay to speak but we aren’t going to be hanging out with friends of the opposite sex or calling them or texting the opposite sex . which i was OKAY with because i wouldn’t want him hanging out or calling females anyways . well at some point during the school year my mom told me that he was talking to his ex at school telling her she looked nice because apparently she was dressed up. i bought it up to him and her and they both denied it and he told me he would talk to a ex bc it would be disrespect and it would go against the opposite sex thing he wanted so i let it go . well months later and people are still telling me they talk in class so later that weekend i decided to surprise him at his football game since it was the last game only to see them hugging not just a normal hug guys !! like hands on her waist and all i still watched and continued to watch him walk her to her car with his hands around her waist the whole time to her car i finally popped up at the car and they swore they’ve been close they are like brother and sister but i don’t like that . so i decided to talk about it and i definitely didn’t care if he had friends but that’s to far even after he told me he didn’t have any female friends for months bc he didn’t want me to have guy friends i find out he actually has TONS of female friends that’s he’s “close” to but i just don’t get why he lied about it . i want to trust him and i want him to go with his friends but ever since all of that i just have a gut feeling that somethings off despite me having all his passwords and even his location from snap . i just feel like there’s something shady going on all the time and no matter how many times i see his location and he swears he only has eyes for me i feel like it’s a lie i mean jesus he lied about something so simple for months and he made me feel bad for even saying hey to someone at school just for him to be in females face at school . i don’t trust anything and i don’t know how to fix it . i wouldn’t ever disrespect him i listen to all his wishes and i definitely wouldn’t speak to a ex most definitely wouldn’t hug one like that or at all PERIOD . he calls me insecure but he made me this way our relationship is great but i just can’t trust him like i used to even though all this was about 3 months ago ! ugh i’m so tired of always questioning him and myself we argue all the time now because he wants to go out but it’s always something going with him like female called he used to fuck or something it’s always something ! he tells me straight away and blocks the number but i just wish he would go off like he wants me to do for him when a guy is trying to talk to me he’s just so friendly and it’s hard to ignore my gut . How can i fix this ?