Cold Sores on 10 year old

So my 10 year old woke up over the weekend with cold sores on the lips (face). This is the first time something like this has happened. I DID TAKE HER TO URGENT CARE and they gave us valtrex which was given yesterday. Just looking for any advice on having a child that has to deal with this!! Any tips on dealing with outbreaks, preventing it from spreading, over the counter things to try, preventing another outbreak etc.

I DID SEND A MESSAGE TO OUR PEDS just making them aware. We are also worried about our 8 month old picking it up !


Just thought I would update this post !

Thank you ladies for all your advice!

So we did end up going to see our pediatrician yesterday! She said that it didn’t look like HSV to her (no redness, no cluster of blisters) so I showed her the pics from over the weekend & and the pic from the morning we went to urgent care she said she can see why they said cold sores but she believes it might be a bacterial infection she prescribed antibiotics & an antibiotic ointment which have made a huge difference (or maybe it’s the Valtrex 🤷‍♀️)I did ask for her to swab the area for testing I have to call the office Saturday to see if the results are in!! So until we know for sure we are still using precaution! Tons and tons of hand washing, using plastic utensils, keeping distance from baby! I did provide a new tooth brush and tooth paste like someone suggested!! I’m hoping it’s just a bacterial infection! I know HSV isn’t the end of the world but I don’t want my 10 year old to have to deal with it !

Last update

Turns out my kid had a strep infection that caused the sores !! The HSV test was negative !